Planning permission is an essential consideration in a large percentage of self-builds. Generally speaking, there are two types of planning permission you’ll encounter as a self-builder: outline and detailed. But what is the difference between outline and detailed planning permission? And which is best for you?
Knowing The Difference
The first step to answering that question is knowing what both involve – so what is outline planning permission? It, as the name implies, can be thought of as an “indication” of planning permission. You submit the rough plans, dimensions, and intent of your project and the authority comes back with a yes or a no.
The difference between outline and full planning permission is that with full planning permission you are submitting the plans for your project directly as you intend to build it. Plans, dimensions, layout, and all associate considerations are finalised before acceptance.
Which Is Right For You?
It’s important to understand that even if you apply for outline planning permission, and are granted it, you’re still going to have to apply for full planning permission before you can get your build underway. So, you might be wondering – why would I bother with outline planning permission at all?
Outline planning permission comes into its own when you don’t have a final idea of the form your build is ultimately going to take. There’s much more flexibility involved with outline planning permission, which means once it has been granted you have a degree of leeway with the design. It’s a statement of intent, rather than a direct plan.
Outline planning permission takes less time to process and is cheaper to apply for. That means if you aren’t sure whether it’s going to be granted or not, it makes sense to apply early so you can still make changes within the allowable framework. If you apply for full planning permission and are refused, more time and money is wasted.
Full planning permission does have its benefits, however – the first being, of course, that you won’t have to pay to make two applications. So if you’re confident that your planning permission is going to be granted and you have a finalised design you’re ready to action, you may well decide to apply directly for full planning permission.
Contact Specialist Help
If you need any more information on outline or detailed planning permission, or making your plans as likely to be accepted as possible, contact BDS Architecture today.
Image source: Pixabay